Saturday, April 23, 2011


Hair today, gone tomorrow. Well, it happened! My hair was coming out all over, so Carolyn cut it short and then Lynette used the #2 cutters on the hair clipper to cut it so it would be even. You know these men have been getting lika little massage when they get there hair cut. That's how it felt. My head is much lighter. Another treatment is out of the way and after a few days, it will be better. I hope everyone is having a great Easter. I am looking forward to Sacrament meeting tomorrow because it usually is a special program. It will remind us as we partake of the sacrament what Easter is really about. We are all so blessed to have such a loving Heavenly Father that He gave His only Begotten Son so that we can return to live with Him some day. I hope that all of you had fun coloring your eggs and finding all the treats. I love you all and so appreciate your prayers in our behalf. HAPPY EASTER !!!!!!!!!!


  1. I always wondered what it was like for a boy getting a hair cut. I wonder why, if it feels kind of like a massage, they squirm and cry so much :).
    Happy Easter to yoU :)!

  2. That is interesting that your hair would start coming out all at once. I guess better to have it gone when it just comes out! I loved the attitude of that one lady when you were getting your treatment the other day. She said, It's okay that my hair is gone it just makes it so much easier to get ready! Hope you are feeling better and that you have a wonderful Easter day!
    Love you Mom!

  3. and it looked so good! Not everyone can pull off the short hair, but you make it look real good. Hazel and I also really loved your scarf. Hope you're having a wonderful day and are feeling a bit better. We love you!

  4. Hi Grandma Shaw, this is Lori Carter, Boone's wife. I found your blog from Mel's. Thanks so much for updating this, it is good to keep in touch with our sweet family. We are doing well, I'm about ready to pop with our fourth daughter. Boone is staying busy with school, he'll finish this Dec!

    We'll keep you and your doctors in our prayers. Love, Lori
