Monday, April 2, 2012

Heart Felt Thanks

A long time has passed since anything had been written here. As all of you know the triple by-pass and new valve happened quite suddenly near the end of Feb. I went to my Cardiologist this morning and they did an EKG and everything is great. So both the surgeon and the Cardioligist have released me back to Dr. Biddulph. I have Cardio Rehab three times a week; Mon. Wed. and Fri. On the off days I have been walking. Nancy Lowe comes and gets me on Tues. and Thurs. and we walk up and down their driveway. It is long and takes me about 20- 25 minutes. We will go further as I get stronger. Grandpa has been a wonderful help to me as well as the daughters. Lynette has made me realize that there is too much stuff in this house and some can go. Thanks to the daughters and Shawnee for the house cleaning and Nancy and others for the yard work. It helps the spirit to see things get done.IT has been alot of help to have the girls come to Doctor visits also. It clarifies what has been said. Thanks for the visits. Frank calls often and I appreciate that. I know that many prayers have been offered in our behalf because we have felt the love of our Savior for us. We are so proud of our family and the many things you are accomplishing. We love you all. Love, Grandma Shaw


  1. So glad that you are getting stronger! Keep up the hard work and it will pay off! I love you Mom!

  2. I am so glad you are feeling a little bit better. We will see you soon!

  3. Love to read your posts. You are a great "grand-ma-ma" Love you tons & miss you.

  4. Hi lovely lady.
    I have been missing your post,hope you are doing better now come see me if you can OK.
    XXOO Diane
