Thursday, August 18, 2011
Grreat News!!!!
Tuesday, we went to see Dr.Hansen about the results of last week's P.E.T. and CT scans. I am in remission! THe doctor said that doesn't mean I am cancer free, but they are too small to detect. I will be on a two year maintenance program, going in every 2 months and have a Rituxin infusion. That has been part of my treatment. My hair is growing back and is curly. It is rather thin, but it will probably thicken up. It has been a bitter sweet week to have Shawn die the same week. It is difficult to understand. I am older and he is so young. The Lord has his own timetable and someday we will know Why things worked out this way. I am grateful for eternal families and am so grateful for our family. We love you all and thank you so much for your prayers and caring for us. Be kind to each other and cherish your time together. Love, Margo, Mom, or Grandma
Monday, July 25, 2011
Last treatment?
I had my 6th cancer treatment on Thursday and hopefully it will be the last one. On the 11th of Aug. they will do a P.E.T. scan and a C.T. svan. I will meet with Dr. Hansen on the 16 of Aug. and if it is in remission there will be maintenance schedule for a couple of yrs. The Dr. is very encouraged and thinks it is in remission. If so, it is through all of yous and our faith and prayers. This has been a busy summer with all of the weddings. It is fun to go to the showers, endowments, marriages and the receptions. Of course, we don't have to do all the preparation. I just got to hold the newest grandaughter, Whitly Wilkinson while Alyson helped with the quilts. That was a treat. We will just be watching the parade on TV and that's okay. It is a great time to reflect on our pioneer ancestery. We have a lot in our family.My cousins, Gary Browning's funeral is today up by Idaho Falls. I would have so liked to go to it. He is just younger than me and had always been one of my favoites. He is the son of Thelma, my mother's sister. HE fell over a sprinkler head in his lawn and broke two vertebraes is his neck. They were able to stabalize hims and he appeared to be improving when he had a blood clot that killed him. He has had a heart condition for a long time and just went into remission from cancer. He has called and checked on me a few times and it was good to visit with him. We had a good Marriott reunion on Monte. Everything was so green and all the wild flowers were out. It was good to become more acquainted with Jim's fincee, Janice Hilton. They seem very happy. We hope all of you are doing well. Our thoughts and prayers are with you daily. We love you all! Love, Maego
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Where did 75 years go?
Today is someone's 75th birthday! Can you guess who? It is not the person holding the horn.
It is of course the beautiful girl holding the flute!
This is a picture of Margo with her brother Jim.
Here is another picture with Margo and her brothers Gil and John and her mother Helen.
This picture is of Margo, Gil, her Dad Gilbert and Jim.
Margo and Jim, aren't they cute!
I really loved this picture and have decided that her Dad Gilbert, the one who is taking the picture was a great photographer and had a nice camera I am thinking.
This is Margo,Jim, Bill, and Gil.
This is Margo with her sister Susan.
Here is my movie star mother, I always have thought this picture looks like she should be in the movies!
And of course she married a movie star to match her beauty.
This is my movie star parents.
and this is the Shaw bunch! This is a picture of 5 of the kids and she is pregnant with the 6th!
This is Frank, Carolyn, Lynette, and Donene in the front, and Margo holding Nancy, and Don.
Here we are again and I have always marveled that she even had the time to sew all of our cute little outfits.
She is an amazing woman!!!
Here they are a little later in life.
This is a picture of the family at Christmas, Carolyn is missing because she is taking the picture!
Here is the Family with the first grandchild Nathan.
Don, holding Nathan, Frank, Donene, and Ryan. In back is Margo,Carolyn, Kevin, Lynette, Valerie and Nancy.
This isn't even close to what the family is now but I think all of her grand kids are in this picture. I lost count but I think there is now about 30 -31 great grandchildren, What is it Mom! She will know because she doesn't even forget one of those many birthdays, (that alone tells you what kind of person this is!)
She certainly has been an amazing Wife, Mom, Grand Mother, Great Grand Mother, Sister, and especially a Friend to all of us. We want to honor you on this special day and want you to know how much you are loved and appreciated!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
We Love YOU!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
I was reflecting this morning and thinking of how blessed we have been through this month of June. It started out with karli and Chance's wedding and then we had Kelle and Ian's wedding with all of their festivities.It has been such a family time. We have been with all six of our children and their spouses. We have been with 26 of our 28 grandchildren and most of the spouses of those who are married. We have been with 30 out of the 31 greatgrandchildren. We have enjoyed it all so much and are grateful to have been here. Now today is Fathers Day. I really love Don, who is the father who started all this posterity. He is a great Dad, Grandpa, and Great-grandpa. We are grateful for the fathers of our grand-children and great-grandchildren. We have observed how you lovingly care for your children and nothing couldd make us happier. We hope all of you are having a great summer(at least it's supposed to be summer). We love all of you and are so blessed to have you in our lives. Thank you all for your help. Love Margo
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Is spring coming?
Don had his 78th birthday on Friday. I am so grateful to have another year with him.Thanks to the girls, we had cake and ice cream. Thank you all. Yesterday, he baptized Kevin Don Hogge in the Spanish Ward. There was a very special spirit there. Afterwards, we all went to a beautiful park and had lots of eats. Well, I am half way through my treatments and each time brings some new challenges, but if it works that is all that counts. Sometimes, I wake up and think that maybe this is all a dream, but I know that Heavenly Father is with me and helps me daily along with all of your prayers. These next few weeks will be filled with the excitement of the two weddings coming up. They have let me postpone my next treatment until June 6th so I can be at Karli's wedding. It will be so good to see all of you again. Today is Sunday and I have been going to just Sacrament meeting because there are fewer people right around us there. We sit on the side, second row. I keep up with all of your blogs. They are so good and keep us up on whats going on in your lives. Thank you for the special effort that must take. We love you all and thank you for your heartfelt comments. Love, Margo
Monday, May 9, 2011
mother's day weekend
It was a great weekend! It started with Donene coming to visit Fiday morning. As you can see she took a picture of us and she made me " Queen Mom" with her enbroidered tea towels. It was a great visit. On Saturday, Frank and Paula came to visit. It was good to catch up on all the grandkids. On Sunday morning, Nancy and Jay and Kelle, Colter and Valerie all visited because we have the late meeting on Sundays. Nancy helped my with my wig to wear to church. Most people don't know that I have very little hair and they though it was really mine. After church we got to talk to Jake on the Skype and it was great to see and listen to him. He looks really good and things seem to be going good for him. All of the Obergs were there exceept Ben and Beckas and family. of course. We had some of Taylor's good hamburgers. Then we went over to Carolyns and Kevins place. Young Kevin was celebrating his birthday along with Mother's Day. Kevin is 8 yrs. old and will be baptized in a couple of weeks. It was good to see the Calvins and Alex also. While we were there the Morbys came and so we all had a great visit. It was a long day. but a good one. Don has been so good to me and I am so happy to be the mother of his children. I am a very blessed person. It was good to hear from James and Alyson also. We are so happy that all of you are doing good. Keep it up. We love you all.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!
This last week Mom got a new hairdo. It is really short and because she is so cute, she pulls it off quite well don't you think? Most people would be worried about losing there hair but Mom, I love that you have confidence even in adversity. After staying with her during her last chemo treatment I came away with some observations. Most of those people that were there receiving treatments were some of the most positive people that I have met. Even with all of the trials that they are facing they have the most positive and upbeat attitudes. I know that a positive outlook is so necessary for positive results in healing. In that case Mom is going to be okay, because she has one of the most positive attitudes that I know.
Because today is Mother's Day I want her to know, (if she doesn't already know) how much she means to me. I feel very blessed to have her as a Mom and friend. She is the most supportive person you will find and as I was growing up I could always count on her to be there when I needed it. She went back to college after having 6 kids and at the time I had no idea what a big deal that was. Later I found out that she graduated Magna Cum Laude and that makes her accomplishment even more astounding! She is such a great supporter of not only her children but her grandchildren as well. We have all benefited from her cheering in the stands. Mom you are amazing and on this Mother's Day we want to wish you the best for the great example of womanhood that you are.
We love you!!!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Hair today, gone tomorrow. Well, it happened! My hair was coming out all over, so Carolyn cut it short and then Lynette used the #2 cutters on the hair clipper to cut it so it would be even. You know these men have been getting lika little massage when they get there hair cut. That's how it felt. My head is much lighter. Another treatment is out of the way and after a few days, it will be better. I hope everyone is having a great Easter. I am looking forward to Sacrament meeting tomorrow because it usually is a special program. It will remind us as we partake of the sacrament what Easter is really about. We are all so blessed to have such a loving Heavenly Father that He gave His only Begotten Son so that we can return to live with Him some day. I hope that all of you had fun coloring your eggs and finding all the treats. I love you all and so appreciate your prayers in our behalf. HAPPY EASTER !!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Family home Evening
This has been a good week! I have felt good and had more energy. This should last until a week from tomorrow, so I'm going to enjoy it. We had a nice surprise last night. Carl and Lynette Cook cam down to visit us. He said they had been thinking about me and had me in their prayers and felt prompted to come and see us. They wanted to know about my condition and we talked a little about that and then they told us more about their new assignment to South Africa. As you may know, he was put in as one of the new General Authorities in General Conference in the First Quorum of Seventies. That will be in effect until he turns 70 yrs old. They will be living in Johanasburg and be a counselor in The Area Presidency. The area indcludes the Congo across on both sides down to the South of Africa. He asked us about our experiences in Nauvoo and it was a spiritual, beautiful, time with them. Carl said his fondest memories were when he came to our house and had Frank as such a good friend. They both gave us big hugs when they left. They will have to be there by August 1st, so they will be here for their daughter Marie's farewell in June to her mission in Spain. We will miss them. Carl still has such a fun sense of humor. So we had a special Family Home Evening. Thank you all for your comments and your prayers. Melanie, your blog was special and it made we cry. We love you all.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Well, this has been a new experience. I have been keeping a daily log because that will help to know what to expect the next go around. It was good to get done with the Prednisone and the anti nausea. On Tuesday, Dr. Hansen called and wanted me to come in for a blood check an he decided I needed to come in for three days in a row to get a shot of Neupogen to build up my white blood cells to guard against infection. I ended going four days and that should last until the next treatment. They used to hospitalize people for this, but this enables me to stay at home, which is good. A few side affects, but I think I'm doing okay. Grandpa went in and had a stress test and his heart is good, but he needs to build up his endurance. He went on Carolyn's elyptical machine today and got started. He is having difficulty coming to terms that it needs to be something that increases his heart rate. Dr. Biddulph said walking to the barn and back would not cut it. So we are working on that. I got on for a few minutes also. Wasn't conference wonderful? I can't wait for the Ensign to read them more thoroughly. It was exciting that Jake was interviewed on the segment for the MTC. I especially liked what Elder Nelson said about "the only premature deaths are the one where someone is not prepared to meet God." Also the one on"the cafeteria approach to the commandments won't work. We can't choose which one we want to obey". Such sound council. Love you all and hope that spring comes pretty soon. A couple of my friends have brought me pretty potted flowers to bring a little in now.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
My brother, Bruce is having open heart surgery this morning. He needs to have a valve repaired and one or two bypasses. He had chest pains on Sat. and thank goodness he went to the hospital on Sunday morning. He should have gone sooner and he knows it. We went to see him yesterday aafternoon and he looked real good. He should be alright with this surgery and probably better than before. We also went to the temple, one last time before the Ogden temple closes tomorrow night for about a three year make over. There were a lot of people there because it is going to be very different to have to go aways to attend in the future. We have so many wonderful memories of serving there and the great friends that we acquired from that experience. It tryly is a place of peace and comfort. I have heard from so many people lately, some who are going through similar experiences as me. They have giving good advice and today is the day that a new experience will start and I know your prayers are helping. Love.Margo
Friday, March 25, 2011
Finally got back the results from the bone marrow biopsy. There is no cancer cells in the bone marrow. Yea! I will start treatments next Thursday. She said to plan on being there for awhile. We discussed some treatments with the Doctor before so I am waiting to hear exactly what is going on. Some have asked for a little more detail. I have Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, B-cell , follicular. It is a stage 3, which means that it is on both sides of the diaghram, in my case from the neck to the thighs. It is stage one (indolent) meaning that it is slow growing, treatable, but can reoccur. There is no reason to think that it cannot go into remission. We are certainly counting on that. We went to the temple last night for our last temple sealing group in the Ogden Temple before it closes on April 1st. The temple is a great place to go for comfort and peace. So we will be visiting other temples for the next 3 years. We are teaching a Temple Prep class right now to nine people, five of whom are young men getting ready to go on missions. also a mother who is a convert, and a couple. Teaching and feeling of each of their spirits is a blessing.
Wonderful news for my brother, Richard. He is being released to go home to Montana. His bone marrow transplant is doing great and some of his follow-ups can be done with his Oncologist up there. He will still have to come back here about every 6 weeks for awhile. He has gone through a lot to get to this point and we will continue to keep him in our prayers.
Thanks again for all of your support and prayers. I feel them. Love you all, Margo
Wonderful news for my brother, Richard. He is being released to go home to Montana. His bone marrow transplant is doing great and some of his follow-ups can be done with his Oncologist up there. He will still have to come back here about every 6 weeks for awhile. He has gone through a lot to get to this point and we will continue to keep him in our prayers.
Thanks again for all of your support and prayers. I feel them. Love you all, Margo
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Met with the Oncologist today. The cancer has not spread to the organs, but has spread to several areas between the neck and the thighs. They will perform the bone marrow biopsy on Thursday and then we will have a complet picture. That will probably take about a week to get the results back because they go to S.L.C. At that time we will know for sure what the treatment will be. Thank you for your great comments, love and prayers. Margo
Saturday, March 12, 2011
More pictures...
These 4 women are from a family of 10 siblings and they have a special relationship. They are sisters! Can you tell?
These 4 sisters had to put up with 6 brothers. If you have been around any of these brothers for awhile you can just imagine the teasing that went on.
Here they are all grown up and they still tease each other. (Actually I am surprised that there aren't some rabbit ears for some of them sitting in the front.) ( Maybe John was thinking about it?)
Here is the big sister doing what she does best. Taking car of everyone else.
(Bill is the babe in Margo's arms and John is the little boy to the side.)
Here is big sister Margo helping again. ( I think she was one of Bill's favorites.) I love the hat John has on in this one, isn't this a great picture!
Here are the fine people that started this clan of 10. I think if I was to put a caption to this one it would be,
Ma, I think you forgot the pitch fork!
From right to left, Gilbert, kneeling by the ditch with Jim, little brother John hanging on to Margo's skirt.
If I was to put a caption to this one I think it would be.
Now, should I put my hand on my hip like this, or maybe like this, John, stand back, I can't get both of my hands on my hips.
(Some times I crack myself up!)
Now, remember these are very old pictures and only people that are very old are in them. Sorry Jeryl Dean, I didn't know you were that old! Who is that old girl sitting on Grandpa's lap?
Okay the caption would be...
Look where? If you don't hurry up and take this picture I am going to have to start eating my hand! and that girl to my left can't take her eyes off of that cake!
Grandpa, Dad, whoever he is to you, is standing in back. Gil, Margo and Jim are standing in front.
Are you ready for the caption?
Gil is saying,"Mom, is it a boy or a girl?"
Margo is saying, " I hope this doesn't take long, I want to go play with my doll. Does the north pole need any more elves?"
Jim is saying," What? I can't hear anything with these muffs over my ears!"
Hope this made you smile!!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Mar 7th Great News!! Dr. Biddulph just called and said that the cancer has not spread anywhere else that they could see on the PET scan. I still have the lymphoma, so we will find out on the 15th what Dr. Hansen will recommend. It is a low grade now and we hope that it will stay that way. Thank you all for your concerns, thoughts, and prayers. I know that I have been blessed . Love, Margo
Thursday, March 3, 2011
PET scan
I had the PET scan today. I have been quite nervous about this, not knowing what to expect. Bennett helped me a lot and then Don gave me a Priesthood Blessing last night assisted by Kevin. I know that it really helped. I stayed calm and relaxed and didn't move. It is difficult to stay still for 40 minutes. but I sang in my head a lot of hymns to keep my mind occupied. Dr. Biddulph should have the resutls in a couple of days, so I figure Monday or Tuesday. Then we can make a plan. I love you all for your support and prayers. Thank You! Love, margo
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
PET Scan
I was interested to know more about what a PET scan is and how it is different from other tests. I thought others might want to know too. X-rays, CT scans and MRI scans take photographs of your body and identify tumors based on their size, shape and location. PET scans identify cancers based on the high activity within the cancer cell. They are helpful in mapping and staging the disease in your body. They can also help decide what kind of treatment is best.
Mom, I will be praying for you to be relaxed and calm. I know you can do it. I love you!
Mom, I will be praying for you to be relaxed and calm. I know you can do it. I love you!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Just some memories...
I decided to add some pictures and they are kind of random but if you want to add some comments of what you remember about these pictures that would be great.
I don't have any memories of this one but I have always loved it because I can see this cute little girl in some of my girls and grand daughters.
Of course, I don't remember this one either but I sure see a lot of family resemblances.
Nope, I wasn't here for this one either but I do know a couple of people in this picture. One of my favorite aunts and of course my lovely Mom! ( Aunt Colleen is on the far left as a bridesmaid.)
I am here for this one but don't remember much about it. So, how about the rest of you that are in this pic, do you remember anything about it?
Isn't she beautiful! Mom, in high school, no wonder Dad fell for her.
I kind of remember this one and I especially remember the purple Easter dress. I loved wearing it and twirling around in it to make the skirt go up. I remember Grandpa Marriott always getting us out on the lawn to take our pictures. I loved that he took the time to take these because the memories are so precious!
I remember this one because I have a new baby brother and remember that he was quite big! I remember that chair and being rocked in it when I didn't feel well, or listening to a story that Mom was telling me or reading to me. I remember the doily on the back of the chair and Mom continually fixing it so that it was straight. I remember the curtains and playing in them, I think you can see some of my fingerprints and wrinkles that I made from doing that!
No, I wasn't here for this one either but i do remember the temple on the top of the cake and seeing it in our home and playing with it as well. Luckily I didn't break that great treasure. I am so glad though that these two found each other and have made a great posterity and I am so blessed to be a part of it.
Have a great week Mom and remember that we all love you!
What do you remember about these pictures?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I hope that as I add things to this blog it will help. I know that we as a family are strong and mom and dad have always been strong. So no matter what happens we will be alright because we have the faith and the gospel of Jesus Christ in our lives. I love you Mom and Dad. LIVE STRONG!!! STAY STRONG!!!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
26 FEB 2011
We have the greatest grandchildren! It must be because they have exceptional parents. Thanks for the comments and your love and prayers. The PET scan is set up for next thursday at noon. Don jokes that I will be nuked. I have an appointment on the 15th of March with Dr. Hansen, the Oncologist. So, it is a process of going through tests and more tests, but it will give us some direction of what to do. We hope all of you are getting unburied from the snow. Love you!
We have the greatest grandchildren! It must be because they have exceptional parents. Thanks for the comments and your love and prayers. The PET scan is set up for next thursday at noon. Don jokes that I will be nuked. I have an appointment on the 15th of March with Dr. Hansen, the Oncologist. So, it is a process of going through tests and more tests, but it will give us some direction of what to do. We hope all of you are getting unburied from the snow. Love you!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
When Storms Arise
When storms arise 
And dark'nin skies
About me threat'ning lower,
To thee, O Lord, I raise mine eyes,
To thee my tortured spirit flies
For solace in that hour.
The mighty arm
Will let no harm
Come near me nor befall me;
Thy voice shall quiet my alarm,
When life's great battle waxeth warm-
No foeman shall appall me.
Upon thy breast
Secure I rest,
From sorry and vexation;
No more by sinful care oppressed,
But in thy presence ever blest,
O God of my salvation.
-Paul Laurence Dunbar
I ran across this lovely poem and thought the title appropriate and sincere. I thought I should share.

And dark'nin skies
About me threat'ning lower,
To thee, O Lord, I raise mine eyes,
To thee my tortured spirit flies
For solace in that hour.
The mighty arm
Will let no harm
Come near me nor befall me;
Thy voice shall quiet my alarm,
When life's great battle waxeth warm-
No foeman shall appall me.
Upon thy breast
Secure I rest,
From sorry and vexation;
No more by sinful care oppressed,
But in thy presence ever blest,
O God of my salvation.
-Paul Laurence Dunbar
I ran across this lovely poem and thought the title appropriate and sincere. I thought I should share.
Better News
Dr. Biddulph called at 8:00 a.m. today and said that the tests from the CT scans are encouringing. No other large abnormalities could be seen in the brain, chest, abdomen . This is good news ! He is setting up a PET Scan, probably for next week. Because it doesn't look as bad as we thought yesterday, I will be going to an Oncologist here in Ogden, Dr. Vince Hansen. After he sees the results of all the other tests he will do a bone marrow biopsy and the follow Up. All of your prayers are alreaady helping. Love you!
Dr. Biddulph called at 8:00 a.m. today and said that the tests from the CT scans are encouringing. No other large abnormalities could be seen in the brain, chest, abdomen . This is good news ! He is setting up a PET Scan, probably for next week. Because it doesn't look as bad as we thought yesterday, I will be going to an Oncologist here in Ogden, Dr. Vince Hansen. After he sees the results of all the other tests he will do a bone marrow biopsy and the follow Up. All of your prayers are alreaady helping. Love you!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Don, Lynette, and I went to Dr. Biddulph's office today to get the biopsy report. I have non-hodgkins Lymphoma. There are 18 different kinds of this. I had blood tests and a full cat scan done this morning. The results will tell where it is located in my body. Dr. Biddulph is going to set up an appointmetn next week with a Hematologist and an Oncologist. It will be in Salt Lake, probably at L.D.S Hospital. They will do more tests and determine where to go from there. I liked what Dr. Biddulph said that when we signed on to come to earth, we agreed to accept what comes in our lives. We will keep you posted as we know more. I love you all and so appreciate all your support.
Go Grandma go!
This blog has been started for my Mom Margo. She is on a journey and through this blog, she will be able to share it with you. We love you Mom and Grandma and thus the name of your blog which is gograndmargo. We would like to let you know that we are all cheering for you! (Go Grandma Go!)
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